Coronavirus pandemic contingency plan swings into action at Hospital de la Serranía de Ronda

Coronavirus pandemic contingency plan swings into action at Hospital de la Serranía de Ronda

The Serranía de Málaga Health Management Area has put in place a contingency plan that includes a series of measures to offer the best assistance to the public in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. These actions are being carried out both at the Hospital Care and Primary Care levels.

In the Serranía de Ronda Hospital, scheduled, non-urgent and non-oncological health activities (consultations, examinations and interventions) have been postponed. However, consultations that are feasible to carry out by telephone, according to clinical criteria, are being carried out through this means. People whose appointments are being postponed are being contacted.

The first visits and tests for the first diagnosis of potentially serious pathologies are maintained, as well as the monitoring of pregnancies. Emergency and non-delayed surgeries, deliveries, caesarean sections, and hemodialysis treatments continue to be performed also.

Different zones have been created for care in the emergency department and specific areas of the hospital have been assigned for possible cases and affected patients.

Measures have been taken to limit the unnecessary transit of people through the hospital and the number of companions per patient has been reduced.

Regarding Primary Care, telephone consultations are being carried out in order to avoid the movement of people in the streets, as well as the monitoring of chronic and vulnerable patients. The health department has stressed the importance of not going to health centres whenever it is not necessary, being able to contact by telephone to resolve both administrative and healthcare issues as long as they do not require a physical presence.

Certain healthcare activities are being carried out that cannot be done by telephone or postponed, such as primary vaccination, home visits that require special follow-up or necessary analyses.

The management of the Serranía de Málaga Health Management Area apologises to patients affected by the changes but assures them they will be scheduled as soon as possible.

The Board also goes on to thank professionals of all categories, both healthcare and non-healthcare, “for the magnificent work they are doing in these exceptional circumstances, demonstrating once again their responsibility, commitment and involvement.”

Secret Serranía

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